Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Positive Thinking, Does it Work?

By Rodney Inns

Interesting question as a hypnotherapist practicing hypnotherapy I have a different view on this than others could have.

First off let me say I practice it and it works for me! Saying that I am an NLP Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist so I do plenty of work on my self in alternate ways to improve my life and positive thinking is only one aspect of it.

When it comes to my clients well I have got to say that positive thinking just does not work the way that my clients have used it, permit me to explain. The clients I see have issues along the line of depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness, low self worth and other stuff no matter why they come to see me for these make up the key elements of their problem.

Customarily at some specific point in the past they have been introduced to positive thinking to help with their issues either by them-self or other health practitioners. The problem arises as they practice this they've still got the same issues as before and they're still doing in their head what hey have always done to form the depression, anxiety for example. While the new positive thinking is a conscious effort the old Problems are a unconscious process which has been going for decades normally.

So what I find happens with them is they make a new trance or state on top of the old one, ultimately it becomes unconscious mind process as well with time. A way to consider it is well imagine that we are similar to an onion and we have layers to us, the old problems are a bunch of layers of the onion toward the middle while the new positive layer is a new layer of the onion on the outside that sits on top of all the old stuff.

So when I see clients I will ask them stuff like how do you feel about the past, future, your spouse, children , parents, and yourself to name one or two. Remembering they came for a difficulty that is causing them a lot of discomfort. They are going to say stuff like, I'm happy, everything is good, my relationship is great. As they say these answers I can see they are lying not at a conscious level because consciously they sort of believe this, its like they've a split personality when they give positive answers this is thanks to the fact that that is what you are meant to think and say on one hand! While from another perspective simultaneously they know they're sad, they are effectively in 2 minds. We all pick up on this all the time when some one tells us something and we do not believe it, they're saying one thing consciously while at the very same time they are saying subconsciously through body language something else. This is what I'm picking up on when they're lying to me.

In this situation the positive thinking does not work as it creates ambiguity! From one perspective the person is sad and on the other they are saying they are not and it complicates the process of helping them. I want to know how they feel about their life, so I know exactly what we need to address so I'm able to help them but they on one had say they are depressed and then on the other answer all the other questions as if they don't have any issues while at a unconscious level they are sending a very different message.

Now what I suspect these clients are doing is utilizing the positive thinking in a way to try to hide from their Problems, like people use drugs, alcohol, food etc. Also a key component to positive thinking is you have to manifest positive feelings with the thoughts!! If you do not well it'll never works regardless of how much you do it! Ultimately positive thinking needs to lead to positive feelings. I believe that's the thing they do when they are using positive thinking they are manifesting depression, anxiety, or negative feelings with the thoughts instead of positive feelings.

Another component of this is I suspect they also must do the work to release all of the negative thoughts, beliefs and especially feelings they have stored in their body/mind. Once this is done I believe positive thinking can work, because they'll then be in a position to manifest positive feelings to go with the practice. As for individuals that are not suffering from any real negative feelings impacting their life, I have no idea how it operates for them. Although I can guess that if they manifest positive feelings in the process then it should work for them also. I have only truly addressed issues I have found with my clients.

So I believe that positive thinking usually does not work for the great majority of people and can be a waste of time. The reason Why I say this Is often because most people don't know how to do positive thinking and they do not have any real guidance on the way to use it. Almost all of the people I know who've recommended this as a practice to my clients don't practice it them self, so what does this say for the practice of positive thinking?

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